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Research and Innovation Department at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust hits major milestone


Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust has been a research active hospital stretching back to its early days before there was a Research Department, through the work of Professor Sir Ludwig Guttmann and the world renowned National Spinal Injuries Centre. The Trust Research and Innovation Department has continued to grow its portfolio of studies across all specialties such as Cancer Care, Cardiology, Plastics and Burns, Respiratory Medicine and Ophthalmology.

Clinical Research Officer, Janice Carpenter, the longest serving member of the team, recalls:

“The Research Department was established, and the first study was registered in 2003.”

Fast forward 18 years, the department hit a major milestone by registering their 1000th research study 21st July 2021!

From a handful of researchers and support staff, the Research and Innovation Department has grown over the years to a dedicated team of around 35 core staff as well as research support staff across services such as Pharmacy, Pathology and Radiology.  


During 2020 the Department won several regional research awards, was showcased at national level for its delivery and in 2021 they also won the Trust's Chief Nurse’s ‘Nurse and Midwife Team of the Year Award’, acknowledging the importance of research during the Covid-19 pandemic.  

A bespoke purpose-built Research and Innovation Centre has opened at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, providing dedicated facilities and services for staff, patients, companies and the wider community. The Department is key to contributing to improved patient outcomes with the number of studies it is supporting.

This important milestone demonstrates their journey so far and the future ahead for another 1000 studies.

For the latest news follow the team on Twitter @BHTResearch

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